
Below you can find details of how to contact us, for website enquiries, membership enquiries and issues, and podcast questions and enquiries.

We will do our best to respond as promptly as possible.

Your constructive comments are welcome and it is always great to hear from you. If your experience of the criminal courts has been improved by the information provided, we would be delighted to hear your story.

Legal Advice

Please note that Christopher Kessling does not give legal advice through this website and cannot assist with specific queries about your or another's case, or give recommendations about who you should instruct. This website contains a wealth of information and contains the majority of answers to the questions you may have.

Find helpful information

If you are involved in a criminal case, it is important to obtain independent legal advice if you are able to do so and you can find helpful information though the links below.

Criminal trial word cloud including the words> Trial, Prosecution, Defence, Judge, Jury, Witnesses, Legal Arguments, Closing Speeches, Verdict and Sentence
Image of entrance to the Old Bailey overlaid by text: Surviving the Criminal Courts |
86 - 90 Paul St.

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  • Membership and subscription enquiries:

  • Podcast questions and enquiries: | Making Sense of the Criminal Courts