Obtaining an indication of sentence in the magistrates’ court and Crown Court

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Advance Sentence Indications
There are procedures in both the Crown Court and magistrates’ court for obtaining an advance indication of your likely sentence. In the Crown Court this is called a Goodyear indication. Any indication of sentence will always be based on what the sentence would be if a defendant pleads guilty.

On this page …

  • Can I ask for an indication of my likely sentence?

  • Advance indication of sentence in the magistrates’ court

  • Advance indication of sentence in the Crown Court - Goodyear Indication

Can I ask for an indication of my likely sentence?

There are procedures in both the Crown Court and magistrates' court for obtaining an advance indication of your likely sentence. In the Crown Court this is called a Goodyear indication.

Any indication of sentence will always be based on what the sentence would be if a defendant pleads guilty. This allows a guilty plea to be entered in the knowledge of what the sentence will be. If a defendant chooses to have a trial following an indication of sentence, the indication will cease to have effect.

There is no formal procedure for obtaining an advance indication of what the sentence will be in the event of being found guilty following a trial.

Read on for obtaining an advance sentence indication in the magistrates’ court and Crown Court.

Advance Sentence Indications - Magistrates' Court
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